Today @ NIC

Tips for Starting A Successful School Year at Newton

September 16, 2022

  1. Save your school timetable 📅: time table is specified and sent to each student individually. 
  2. Chat with NIC staff 🗣️(first-floor): NIC staff are always available to help you with problems and support your success in school. 
  3. Checkout Library corner 📚(first-floor): Not only books but also different board games are located in this corner 📥
  4. Update event info in your group chat 📲: Continuously update messages to join exciting events at NIC. 
  5. Remember to check your attendance❗(Power School website): Do not let your effort of going to school be wasted 🎒

For online students, NIC understands your struggles studying in a different timezone. Please take note!!!

  1. Check the class starting hours correctly in your timezone ⏰
  2. Get enough hours of sleep before each class 💤
  3. Turn on your camera to get more interactive with teachers 🙋‍♂️🙋🙋‍♀️

And don’t forget we’re all waiting for your return 💖


Contact Us:

☎  416-613-9618

