Today @ NIC

NEEP 2023 Final Presentation | Schulich x Newton

March 10, 2023

Get ready for an exciting showcase of the Newton Experiential Education Program (NEEP) at Newton International College! Join us as we witness the final presentations of the 2023 cohort in collaboration with the Schulich School of Business & Schulich Venture Club.

NEEP offers students the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and real-world skills through a project-based approach to learning. With the guidance of industry experts, students work on projects that address current business challenges and present their innovative solutions to a panel of judges.

In this video, we’ll see the culmination of months of hard work by the NEEP students as they present their final projects. From innovative marketing strategies to cutting-edge financial analysis, these presentations are sure to impress.

Join us in celebrating the achievements of these talented students as they demonstrate the skills and knowledge gained through NEEP. Whether you’re a prospective student or simply curious about the program, this video is not to be missed!
Tune in to witness the culmination of Newton x Schulich’s 2023 Newton Experiential Education Program and be inspired by the next generation of business leaders.

#NEEP #Schulich #SVC #SchulichVenturesClub #NIC #NewtonInternationalCollege #entrepreneur #learningbydoing #achievements #experientiallearning #business #studyabroad #elite #Newton